Monday, April 02, 2007

Project Measurements - Real Data

Ok.. I'm back from sorrowful land. Time to give you an update on the progress towards implementing the Project Performance Index measure.

I'm pretty set now on the three measure categories (Business Performance, Project Performance, and Team Performance). And so far most of my clients have been willing participants to allowing me to solicit their opinion (about their own performance). One client (actually the VP Sponsor) wasn't too interested in me surveying her hot bed project, but gave the green light for me to survey either of her other two. So in the end I got twice for what I was bargaining for.

This month will be the next test. I have to actually report out the results to my peer group. The target value of 80% won't be met so there will be some explaining to do. In all honesty, I'm thinking that reaching 80% attainment in the first quarter of a projects lifecycle is very ambitious. So a note to those interested in implementing this kind of measure, aim for 80% by end of year. The target for the first quarter should be something much less ambitious; say 50%.

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