In case you missed it, Project management is an ever evolving methodology. It's the beast that continues to find new ways to surprise you. Take for instance an initiative that should have wrapped up over a year ago and is still burning through millions of dollars. no need for specifics, we hear about these all the time. Why is this happening?
Only a few reasons, but take these away and your still left with one word.. and yes, you guessed it.
And we hear time and again, Communicate, Communicate,, ai yi yi!!! The message isn't that difficult to understand is it? Maybe it is, because the message shouldn't have been so simple.
If we want people to communicate then they need to know what to communicate about. We need to get down to fundamentals. The process of interaction. A process to leverage the strengths of the contributing team members. A process that will keep all informed, and not tripping over each other.
Walk before running... or suffer constant stumbling.